Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Tensorgate Journal of Sustainable Technology and Infrastructure for Developing Countries

Call for Papers: Tensorgate Journal of Sustainable Technology and Infrastructure for Developing Countries

Tensorgate Journal of Sustainable Technology and Infrastructure for Developing Countries is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles, reviews, and communications on sustainable technology and infrastructure for developing countries. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore new approaches to sustainable development.

We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners from around the world to submit their original and unpublished research articles, reviews, and communications on topics related to sustainable technology and infrastructure for developing countries, including but not limited to:

  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable water management
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Sustainable building design and construction
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Disaster risk reduction and management
  • Sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • Sustainable urban planning and development
  • Sustainable tourism

Submission guidelines:

  • All submissions must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts should be written in English and formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
  • All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.
  • Accepted manuscripts will be published online and made freely available to readers.


Published: 2023-01-03