Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): 21-International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Computing

2021 automation research

The International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Computing (IJIAC) is a scholarly journal that covers a broad range of topics related to intelligent automation and computing. In 2021, the journal published articles and research papers that focused on the latest developments in the field of intelligent automation and computing, including the application of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotics in various industries.

One of the major themes of the journal in 2021 was the integration of intelligent automation and computing in the manufacturing industry. Researchers explored the use of robotics and automation in manufacturing processes to increase efficiency and productivity while reducing costs. They also investigated the use of machine learning algorithms to optimize supply chain management and improve logistics.

Another area of focus for IJIAC in 2021 was the application of intelligent automation and computing in healthcare. Researchers explored the use of machine learning algorithms to diagnose diseases and predict patient outcomes, as well as the use of robotics in surgical procedures to improve accuracy and reduce recovery time.

The journal also published articles on the ethical implications of intelligent automation and computing, including issues related to data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the impact of automation on the workforce. Researchers discussed potential solutions to these challenges, such as the development of ethical guidelines for AI and the implementation of training programs for workers who may be affected by automation.

Published: 2021-02-11