Optimization of Industrial Energy Efficiency Through the Application of Advanced Process Control, Monitoring Technologies, and Predictive Maintenance

Optimization of Industrial Energy Efficiency Through the Application of Advanced Process Control, Monitoring Technologies, and Predictive Maintenance


  • Aleksandr Petrov Computer Science Department, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Ivana Novak Computer Science Department, University of Belgrade, Serbia


The optimization of industrial energy efficiency is a critical concern in the context of rising energy costs and the pressing need to reduce carbon emissions. This paper explores the potential of advanced process control, monitoring technologies, and predictive maintenance to enhance energy efficiency in industrial settings. Advanced process control systems enable precise management of industrial processes, reducing energy wastage and improving overall efficiency. Monitoring technologies provide real-time data on energy usage, facilitating informed decision-making and rapid response to inefficiencies. Predictive maintenance uses data analytics and machine learning to predict equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules, thus minimizing downtime and energy consumption. This comprehensive study evaluates the economic benefits, technological challenges, and environmental impacts of implementing these advanced technologies. Case studies from Eastern Europe highlight successful applications and the lessons learned from these initiatives. The findings underscore the importance of integrating advanced technologies into industrial operations to achieve significant energy savings and support sustainable industrial growth.

Author Biography

Ivana Novak, Computer Science Department, University of Belgrade, Serbia






How to Cite

Petrov, A., & Novak, I. (2022). Optimization of Industrial Energy Efficiency Through the Application of Advanced Process Control, Monitoring Technologies, and Predictive Maintenance. Tensorgate Journal of Sustainable Technology and Infrastructure for Developing Countries, 5(2), 101–123. Retrieved from https://research.tensorgate.org/index.php/tjstidc/article/view/120


