Evaluating the Efficiency and Limitations of Configuration Strategies in Hybrid Cloud Environments

Evaluating the Efficiency and Limitations of Configuration Strategies in Hybrid Cloud Environments


  • Raghava Satya SaiKrishna Dittakavi Independent researcher


Cloud computing, Hybrid cloud, Resource management, Strategies, Limitations


The increasing complexity and scale of modern computing needs have led to the development and adoption of cloud computing as a ubiquitous paradigm for data storage and processing. The hybrid cloud model, which combines both public and private cloud infrastructures, has been particularly appealing to organizations that require both the scalability offered by public clouds and the security features of private clouds. Various strategies for configuring and managing resources have been developed to optimize the hybrid cloud environment. These strategies aim to balance conflicting objectives such as cost-efficiency, performance optimization, security, and compliance with regulatory standards. This exploratory research focused on evaluating the efficiency and limitations of different configuration strategies in hybrid cloud environments. Findings indicate that each approach presents distinct advantages. Improving resource utilization and automating governance processes are significant advantages of Policy-based Resource Management, which leads to cost-effectiveness. Intelligent routing of traffic is a feature of Cross-cloud Load Balancing, resulting in optimized performance and higher service availability. By centralizing control, the Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh allows for secure and streamlined cross-service communication. A notable feature of Cross-cloud Container Orchestration is its ability to simplify the migration of applications across diverse cloud environments. For immediate threat detection and regulatory compliance, real-time monitoring is facilitated by Log Management and Analytics. However, Policy-based Resource Management can be complex and inflexible. Extra costs for data transfer between different cloud providers are a drawback of Cross-cloud Load Balancing. Additional network hops create latency issues in Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh configurations. If configured incorrectly, Cross-cloud Container Orchestration could expose the system to security risks. Finally, Log Management and Analytics require both ample storage and advanced analytical capabilities. 




How to Cite

Dittakavi, R. S. S. (2022). Evaluating the Efficiency and Limitations of Configuration Strategies in Hybrid Cloud Environments. International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Computing, 5(2), 29–45. Retrieved from https://research.tensorgate.org/index.php/IJIAC/article/view/65