Optimizing Public Transport Services using AI to Reduce Congestion in Metropolitan Area

Optimizing Public Transport Services using AI to Reduce Congestion in Metropolitan Area


  • Ivan Petrovich Kozlov University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad,northern Serbia


Public transport services, AI, Congestion reduction, Metropolitan areas, Real-time monitoring, Route optimization, Smart ticketing


Congestion in metropolitan areas has become a significant challenge, affecting the efficiency and reliability of public transport services. This study explores the potential of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize public transport services and mitigate congestion. Through an extensive analysis of existing literature, case studies, and expert opinions, the findings reveal several key ways in which AI can contribute to improving public transport systems.Real-time monitoring using AI enables the continuous monitoring of traffic patterns, allowing for the accurate prediction of congestion in real-time. This data can then be leveraged to adjust public transport schedules and routes dynamically, thus avoiding congested areas and minimizing delays.AI-powered demand forecasting assists transport providers in predicting the demand for public transport services. By analyzing historical data and considering various factors, such as time of day, events, and trends, AI algorithms can optimize the number and frequency of buses and trains on specific routes. This approach reduces waiting times, enhances passenger experience, and efficiently meets the demand.AI algorithms can optimize public transport routes by considering factors such as traffic congestion, passenger demand, and weather conditions. By analyzing these variables, AI can determine the most efficient routes for public transport vehicles, reducing travel times and improving overall service efficiency.AI's ability to provide personalized recommendations based on individual commuters' travel history and preferences enhances the public transport experience. Through personalized suggestions on optimal routes, modes of transport, and real-time updates on travel times and delays, commuters can make informed decisions, improving their overall travel experience.AI can optimize ticketing systems, introducing smart ticketing solutions that streamline fare collection processes. These systems enable efficient and accurate fare collection, reducing queues and waiting times at ticketing counters and ensuring a seamless experience for commuters.
This study demonstrates that leveraging AI to optimize public transport services can significantly reduce congestion in metropolitan areas. The integration of real-time monitoring, demand forecasting, route optimization, personalized recommendations, and smart ticketing empowers public transport systems to enhance their efficiency, reliability, and overall performance. By adopting AI-based solutions, policymakers and transport authorities can make informed decisions and alleviate congestion, leading to improved urban mobility and better quality of life for commuters.




How to Cite

Kozlov, I. P. (2022). Optimizing Public Transport Services using AI to Reduce Congestion in Metropolitan Area. International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Computing, 5(2), 1–14. Retrieved from https://research.tensorgate.org/index.php/IJIAC/article/view/34