Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Developments

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Developments



Charging Infrastructure, Electric Vehicles, Future Developments, Sustainability, Technology


The growth of electric vehicles (EVs) has been accompanied by a rising demand for reliable and accessible charging infrastructure because deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is critical for the success of the EV market. In this comprehensive review, we examine the current status of EV charging infrastructure, the challenges facing its development and deployment, and the future developments likely to shape the industry. The deployment of EV charging infrastructure is at an early stage, with significant regional disparities in terms of availability and accessibility. Standardization in charging technology is lacking, making it difficult for manufacturers to produce cars and charging stations that are compatible with each other. The high upfront costs of installation make it unattractive for private companies to invest. The future of EV charging infrastructure is bright, with significant developments on the horizon that will likely shape the industry in the coming years. The deployment of ultra-fast charging networks, wireless charging, and vehicle-to-grid technology are among the developments that could revolutionize the EV charging industry. The challenges facing the development and deployment of EV charging infrastructure must be addressed to ensure its long-term sustainability and growth.




How to Cite

Patil, P. (2019). Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Developments. International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Computing, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://research.tensorgate.org/index.php/IJIAC/article/view/25